Connect Your Tesla Powerwall with Backup Gateway 2 to Wi-Fi

Did you get a new internet service provider or change your Wi-Fi password? Follow these instructions to get your Tesla Powerwall with Backup Gateway 2 back online!


  1. You’ll need your smartphone logged into your Tesla app, and locate your Tesla Gateway 2, which is often found on an exterior wall of your home next to your utility meter.
    • Note: the Tesla Gateway 2, not the Powerwall itself, is the device which we connect to the internet
  2. In the Tesla app, locate your home energy site.
  3. Select ‘Settings
  1. Select ‘Configure Wi-Fi’ at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Scan the QR code with your camera, located behind the glass door of the Tesla Gateway
    • To open your Gateway, push the indent on the latch on the right-hand side. You may need to loosen the retainer bolt next to the latch, as well.
  1. Accept the request to join your Powerwall’s local ‘TEG-xxx’ Wi-Fi network. Wait a few minutes for your phone to connect to Wi-Fi.
    • Note: if you have problems joining the ‘TEG’ network, go to your WiFi settings and scan for a ‘TEG-xxx’ network. Connect to it using the password listed on the sticker, and re-open the Tesla app.
  2. Select the Wi-Fi network you would like your Powerwall connected to, and enter your WiFi password
  3. Tap ‘Connect’, and it may take up to five minutes to complete.

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