Did you get a new internet service provider or change your Wi-Fi password? Follow these instructions to get your Tesla Powerwall with Backup Gateway 2 back online!

- You’ll need your smartphone logged into your Tesla app, and locate your Tesla Gateway 2, which is often found on an exterior wall of your home next to your utility meter.
- Note: the Tesla Gateway 2, not the Powerwall itself, is the device which we connect to the internet
- In the Tesla app, locate your home energy site.
- Select ‘Settings‘

- Select ‘Configure Wi-Fi’ at the bottom of the screen.
- Scan the QR code with your camera, located behind the glass door of the Tesla Gateway
- To open your Gateway, push the indent on the latch on the right-hand side. You may need to loosen the retainer bolt next to the latch, as well.
- To open your Gateway, push the indent on the latch on the right-hand side. You may need to loosen the retainer bolt next to the latch, as well.

- Accept the request to join your Powerwall’s local ‘TEG-xxx’ Wi-Fi network. Wait a few minutes for your phone to connect to Wi-Fi.
- Note: if you have problems joining the ‘TEG’ network, go to your WiFi settings and scan for a ‘TEG-xxx’ network. Connect to it using the password listed on the sticker, and re-open the Tesla app.
- Select the Wi-Fi network you would like your Powerwall connected to, and enter your WiFi password
- Tap ‘Connect’, and it may take up to five minutes to complete.
Still having problems? Contact Ecotech Solar service and let us help.